Key Features #
- Fan Center Feed:
- Displays all relevant activities, posts, and sales from Fan Clubs.
- Users can see recent posts, sales listings, and updates from the clubs they follow.
- Allows easy navigation to individual posts, Idol profiles, or exclusive content.
- Fan Club Creation:
- Fans can create their own clubs centered around an Idol.
- The creation process includes selecting an Idol, naming the club, and adding club information.
- Fan Clubs can be private or public, and users can add tags for better organization.
- Post Creation:
- Users can create posts within a Fan Club. The interface includes options to add images, descriptions, and set pricing for secret content or exclusive items.
- Users can select different auction formats or fixed-price sales for exclusive items.
- Fan Club Quiz Creation:
- Club presidents can create quizzes for fans to participate in.
- Quizzes are interactive and allow fans to earn points and engage with exclusive content.
- The process includes setting up quiz questions, answer options, and rewards.
- Member and Non-Member Views:
- Non-members can view public clubs, browse content, and request membership for private clubs.
- Members can actively engage in content creation, discussions, quizzes, and more.
- The user interface differentiates between member and non-member content access.
- Fan Club President View:
- As a Fan Club president, users have administrative rights, such as editing the club’s information, managing posts, and overseeing member activity.
- Presidents can also create new content threads, assign moderators, and manage quizzes.
- Fan Club Vice President and Moderator Views:
- Vice Presidents share some administrative responsibilities with the President.
- Moderators can manage member activity, tags, and maintain the club’s order, ensuring a healthy fan community.
- Quiz Participation:
- Fans can participate in quizzes created by their Fan Club and earn rewards based on correct answers.
- Quizzes are multiple-choice and offer immediate feedback, allowing fans to retry if they answer incorrectly.
Fan Club Roles #
- President: Full access to manage the club, create posts, quizzes, and moderate member activity.
- Vice President: Assists in club management, content creation, and overseeing other members.
- Moderator: Manages discussions, enforces rules, and ensures smooth operations within the Fan Club.
- Membership Requests: Private clubs require a membership request approval before granting access to content, making certain content exclusive.