Terms of Service Violations

The following is a list, but not limited to, of actions that violate our Terms of Service.

Posting or Commenting:

  • Hate Speech, Bullying, Harassment
  • Exploration of Minors, Child pornography
  • Violence, Unlawful Activity
  • Nudity, Pornography or Prostitution
  • Violation of Intellectual property
  • Content that you have no right to share
  • Promoting Multi-Level Marketing or pyramid schemes


  • Proposal to promote Pornography, Prostitution, Exploration of Minors
  • A proposal containing sexual harassment, hate speech, violence or bullying
  • Other Unlawful Activity


  • Sale of Drugs, Medical Devices or other controlled substances
  • Sale of Firearms or Firearm Components
  • Sale of Ammunition, gunpowder or explosives
  • Sale of other regulated or illegal items
  • Sales that violate intellectual property or copyrights
  • Human remains and body parts
  • Personal Information
  • Animals
  • Recalled or Hazardous Items
  • Alcohol or Tobacco
  • Fraudulent, misleading or deceptive content
  • Items that have been stolen or serial/id altered or removed
  • Any form of ID document, including but not limited to government-issued
  • documents, licenses, certificates, or the likes.
  • Military items (of any country) that have not been demilitarized in accordance
  • with the country’s policy.
  • Counterfeit, replica or pirated items, both, physical as well as digital
What are your feelings
Updated on September 23, 2024