
We’ve made it easy for you to get started and personalize your experience right from the beginning. Here’s what you can expect during the onboarding process:

1. Setting Up Your Account

Create Your Account: After signing up, you’ll be taken to a page called “Who You Are,” where we gather some basic details to tailor your experience.

Choose Your Role: You’ll choose between being “A Fan” or “An Idol.” This distinction helps us provide personalized features suited to your activities on the platform. As a fan, you will be able to follow idols, participate in events, and engage with content. As an idol, you will be able to post exclusive content, manage fan clubs, and monetize your engagements.

Completing Your Profile

Fill In Your Details: Upload a profile picture, select a unique username, and enter your full name. This step personalizes your profile, making it easier for others to find and recognize you. The profile picture is essential, as it visually represents you on the platform.

Navigate Easily: If you need to make changes or revisit earlier steps, a “Back” button is available to simplify navigation throughout the process.

Next Steps Based on Your RoleFor Fans:

  • Pick Your Interests: After your basic profile setup, Fanatico will ask you to select at least three categories that align with your interests. Categories can include music genres, film, sports, art, or other forms of entertainment. Your selections help us curate content and recommendations that best suit your preferences.
  • Follow Your Favorites: After choosing your interests, Fanatico will suggest at least two idols from the chosen categories. These idols are selected based on their popularity, content relevance, and follower count within the categories you’re interested in. You’ll need to follow two idols to complete your onboarding process. If you’re unsure, we provide a “Skip” option to bypass the step for now, but keep in mind that following idols enhances your engagement experience.
  • Explore Fanatico: Once you’ve picked your interests and followed your favorite idols, Fanatico will finalize the setup and provide a customized feed, featuring the idols you follow and relevant content based on your interests. You can immediately start engaging with posts, joining fan clubs, and participating in community activities.
For Idols:

Tell Us About Your Content: After profile completion, you’ll be asked to define the type of content or activities you plan to share on Fanatico. You must choose at least two categories that match your creative field (e.g., music, acting, sports, etc.). This ensures that your posts and events reach fans who are genuinely interested in your content.

Connect Your Social Accounts: To improve your outreach, Fanatico allows you to connect your social media accounts. By linking accounts like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, you can effortlessly share your Fanatico posts across platforms and grow your audience. Social account integration is crucial, as it helps fans discover you more easily and engage with your content across platforms.

Set Up Your Engagement Features: Fanatico offers idols features like fan club creation, paid content options, and event hosting. After linking your social accounts, you’ll be able to set up these engagement tools to monetize your fan interactions. You can start managing exclusive content or organizing live events for your followers.

Helpful Tips Throughout Onboarding

Role Selection is Crucial: Whether you choose to be a fan or an idol, this initial decision impacts the functionalities and features available to you on Fanatico. You can’t move forward without making this choice, so be sure to select the option that best fits your goals.

Complete Your Profile Details: Providing a profile picture, username, and full name ensures your account is identifiable and appealing to other users. Having a complete profile improves your visibility and encourages others to follow and engage with you.

Interest Categories for Fans: The more specific you are in choosing your categories (at least three required), the better the content curation will be. The categories serve as the foundation for the content recommendations and idol suggestions that you’ll receive.

Linking Social Accounts for Idols: If you’re an idol, connecting at least one social media account is vital for growing your presence. It enables a seamless connection between your fans on Fanatico and other platforms, improving overall engagement.

Wrapping Up the Onboarding ProcessAfter you’ve completed the necessary steps, you’re officially a part of the Fanatico community! As a fan, you can now start discovering content, joining fan clubs, and engaging with your favorite idols. As an idol, you’re ready to post exclusive content, manage fan interactions, and grow your fanbase through innovative engagement tools. Fanatico’s streamlined onboarding ensures you have the best experience from the moment you join, tailored to your role and interests.

What are your feelings
Updated on September 16, 2024